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It is our goal to be as paperless as possible.
As such, we have electronically provided the following agreement:
HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information (PHI)
Please thoroughly read these agreements. By signing the BIB Consent Agreement Form, you are signifying you have read, and understand the agreements If you are completing paper forms in-office, the staff will give you a copy to review.
HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information (PHI)
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information; please review it carefully. This Notice of Privacy Policy covers all Body in Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Co. entities. We have summarized our responsibilities and your rights on this page. For a complete description of our privacy practices, please review this entire notice.
Our Responsibilities
Our facility is required to:
Maintain the privacy of your health information
Provide you with this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to information we collect and maintain about you
Abide by the terms of this notice
Your Rights
As a patient of Body in Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Co., you have several rights with regard to your health information, including the following:
The right to request that we not use or disclose your health information in certain ways
The right to request to receive communications in an alternative manner or location
The right to access and obtain a copy of your health information
The right to request an amendment to your health insurance
The right to an accounting of disclosures of your health information
We reserve the right to change our privacy practices and to make the new provisions effective for all health information we maintain. Should our privacy practices change, we will post the changes on the bulletin board in our facility, as well as on our web site. A copy of the revised notice will be available after the effective date of the changes upon request.
We will not use or disclose your health information without your authorization, except as described in this notice.
If you have questions and would like additional information, you may contact our facility’s Privacy Officer. The facility’s Privacy Officer is the Administrator. The Privacy Officer for Body in Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Center and all entities covered under this policy is Brittany Brahmer.
Understanding Your Health Record/Information
Each time you visit our facility, a record of your visit is made. Typically, this record contains your symptoms, examination and test results, diagnosis, treatment, and a plan for future care or treatment. This information, often referred to as your health or medical record, serves as a:
Basis for planning your care and treatment
Means of communication among the many health professional who contribute to your care
Legal document describing the care you received
Means by which you, or a third-party payer, can verify that services billed were actually provided
Tool in education health professionals
Source of data for medical research
Source of information for public health officials who oversee the delivery of health care in the United States
Source of data for facility planning and marketing
Tool with which we can assess and continually work to improve the care we render and the outcomes we achieve
Understanding what is in your record and how your health information is used helps you to:
Ensure its accuracy
Better understand who, what, when, where, and why others may access your health information
Make more informed decisions when authorizing disclosure to others
How We Will Use or Disclose Your Health Information
Treatment We will use or disclose your health information for treatment purposes, including for the treatment activities of other health care providers. For example, information obtained by an assistant, physician or other member of your healthcare team will be recorded in your record and used to determine the course of treatment that should work best for you. Your physician will document, in your record, his or her expectations of the members of your healthcare team. Members of your healthcare team will then record the actions they took and their observations. In that way, the physician will know how you are responding to treatment.
Payment We will use or disclose your health information for payment, including for the payment activities of other health care providers or payers. For example, a bill may be sent to you or a third-party payer, including g Medicare or Medicaid. The information on or accompanying the bill may include information that identifies you, as well as your diagnosis, procedures, and supplies used.
Health Care Operations We will use or disclose your health information for our regular health operations. For example, members of the medical staff, the risk or quality improvement manager, or members of the quality improvement team may use information in your health record to assess the care and outcomes in your case and others like it. This information will then be used in an effort to continually improve the quality and effectiveness of the health care and service we provide.
In addition, we will disclose your health information for certain health care operations of other entities. However, we will only disclose your information under the following conditions: (a) the other entity must have, or have had in the past, a relationship with you; (b) the health information used or disclosed must relate to that other entity’s relationship with you; and (c) the disclosure must only be for one of the following purposes: (i) quality assessment and improvement activities; (ii) population-based activities relating to improving health or reducing health care costs; (iii) case management and care coordination; (iv) conducting training programs; (v) accreditation, licensing, or credentialing activities; or (vi) health care fraud and abuse detection or compliance.
Business Associates There are some services provided in our organization through the use of outside people and entities. Examples of these “business associates” include our accountant, consultants and attorneys. We may disclose your health information to our business associates so that they can perform the job we’ve asked them to do. To protect your health information, however, we require the business associates to appropriately safeguard your information.
Directory Unless you notify us that you object, we may use your name, location in the facility, general condition, and religious affiliation for directory purposes. This information may be provided to members of the clergy and, except for religious affiliation, to other people who ask for you by name. We may also use your name on a nameplate next to or on your door in order to identify your room, unless you notify us that you object.
Notification We may use or disclose information to notify or assist in notifying a family member, personal representative or another person responsible for your care, of your location, and general condition. If we are unable to reach your family member or personal representative, then we may leave a message for them at the phone number that they have provided us, e.g., on an answering machine.
Communication with Family We may disclose to a family member, other relative, close personal friend or any other person involved in your health care, health information relevant to that person’s involvement in your care or payment related to your care.
Research We may disclose information to researchers when certain conditions have been met.
Transfer of Information at Death We may disclose health information to funeral directors, medical examiners and coroners to carry out their duties consistent with applicable law.
Organ Procurement Organizations Consistent with applicable law, we may disclose health information to organ procurement organizations or other entitles engaged in the procurement banking, or transplantation of organs for the purpose of tissue donation and transplant.
Marketing We may contact you regarding your treatment, to coordinate your care, or to direct or recommend alternative treatments, therapies, health care providers or settings. In addition, we may contact you to describe a health-related product or service that may be of interest to you, and the payment for such product or service.
Fund Raising We may contact you as part of a fund raising project.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) We may disclose to the FDA, or to a person or entity subject to the jurisdiction of the FDA, health information relative to adverse events with respect to food, supplements, product and product defects, or post marketing surveillance information to enable product recalls, repairs, or replacement.
Workers Compensation We may disclose health information to the extent authorized by and to the extent necessary to comply with laws relating to workers compensation or other similar programs established by law.
Public Health As required by law, we may disclose your health information to public health or legal authorities charged with preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability.
Correctional Institution Should you be an inmate of a correctional institution; we may disclose to the institution or agents thereof health information necessary for your health and the health and safety of other individuals.
Law Enforcement We may disclose health information for law enforcement purposes as required by law or in response to a valid subpoena.
Reports Federal law makes provision for your health information to be released to an appropriate health oversight agency, public health authority or attorney, provided that a work force member or business associate believes in good faith that we have engaged in unlawful conduct or have otherwise violated professional or clinical standards and are potentially endangering one or more patients, workers or the public.
Your Health Information Rights
Although your health record is the physical property of our facility, the information in your health record belongs to you. You have the following rights:
You may request that we not use or disclose your health information for a particular reason related to treatment, payment, the Facility’s general health care operations, and/or to a particular family member, other relative or close personal friend. We ask that such requests be made in writing on a form provided by our facility. Although we will consider your requests with regard to the use of your health information, please be aware that we are under no obligation to accept it or to abide by it. We will abide by your requests with regard to the disclosure of your clinical and personal records to anyone outside of the facility, except in an emergency, if you are being transferred to another health care institution, or the disclosure is required by law.” 42 C.F.R § 483.10(e) provides that a NF must abide by a resident’s right to refuse the release of his/her personal or clinical records to any individual outside of the facility, unless the release is necessary because the resident is being transferred to another health care institution, or if is required by law.
If you are dissatisfied with the manner in which or the location where you are receiving communications from us that are related to your health information, you may request that we provide you with such information by alternative means or at alternative locations. Such a request must be made in writing, and submitted to the Privacy Officer. We will attempt to accommodate all reasonable requests. For more information about this right, see 45 C.F.R. § 164.522(b).
You may request to inspect and/or obtain copies of health information about you, which will be provided to you in the time frames established by law. You may make such requests orally or in writing on our facility’s standard form. If you request to have copies made we ill charge you a reasonable fee. For more information about this right, see 45 C.F.R. § 164.524.
If you believe that any health information in your record is incorrect or if you believe that important information is missing, you may request that we correct the existing information or add the missing information. Such requests must be made in writing, and must provide a reason to support the amendment. We ask that you use the form provided by our facility to make such requests. For a request form, please contact the Privacy Officer. For more information about this right, see 45 C.F.R. § 164.526.
You may request that we provide you with a written accounting of all disclosures made by us during the time period for which you request (not to exceed six years). We ask that such requests be made in writing on a form provided by our facility. Please note that an accounting will not apply to any of the following types of disclosures: disclosures made for reasons of treatment, payment or health care operations; disclosures made to you or your legal representative, or any other individual involved with your care; disclosures to correctional institutions or law enforcement officials; and disclosures for national security purposes. You will not be charged for your first accounting request in any 12-month period. However, for any requests that you make thereafter, you will be charged a reasonable, cost-based fee. For more information about this right, see 45 C.F.R. § 164.528.
You may revoke an authorization to use or disclose health information, except to the extent that action has already been taken. Such request must be made in writing.
Breach Notification.
We understand that medical information about you and your health is personal and we are committed to protecting your medical information. Furthermore, we will notify you following the discovery of any “breach” of your unsecured protected health information as defined in the HITECH Act (the “Notice of Breach”). Your Notice of Breach will be in writing and provided via first-class mail, or alternatively, by e-mail if you have previously agreed to receive such notices electronically. If the breach involves:
10 or more individuals for whom we have insufficient or out-of-date contact information, then we will provide substitute individual Notice of Breach by either posting the notice on the web site of Body in Balance Chiropractic or by providing the notice in print and emailed, mailed or given in office.
Less than 10 individuals for whom we have insufficient or out-of-date contact information, then we will provide substitute Notice of Breach by an alternative form.
Your Notice of Breach shall be provided without unreasonable delay and in no case later than 60 days following the discovery of a breach and shall include, to the extent possible:
A description of the breach.
A description of the types of information that were involved in the breach.
The steps you should take to protect yourself from potential harm.
A brief description of what we are doing to investigate the breach, mitigate the harm, and prevent further breaches.
The Center’s relevant contact information.
Changes to This Notice.
We can change the terms of this Notice at any time. If we do, the new terms and policies will be effective for all of the medical information we already have about you as well as any information we receive in the future. We will post any revised notice on this webpage, and you may request a copy of the revised notice.
Other Uses of Medical Information.
Other uses and disclosures of medical information not covered by this Notice or the laws that apply to us will be made only with your written permission. If you grant us permission to use or disclose medical information about you, you may revoke that permission, in writing, at any time. If you revoke your permission, we will no longer use or disclose medical information about you for the reasons covered by your written authorization. We are unable to take back any disclosures we have already made with your permission.
For More Information or to Report a Problem
If you have questions and would like additional information, you may contact our Privacy Officer. The Corporate Privacy Officer is Brittany Brahmer 360-718-2346.
If you believe that your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with us. These complaints must be filed in writing on form provided by our facility. The complaint form may be obtained from the business office and, when completed, should be returned to the business office. You may also file a complaint with the secretary of the federal Department of Health and Human Services. There will be no retaliation for filing a complaint.